Nintendo dedicated to ensuring the Wii U does not fall victim to hackers

Posted 01 May 2013 at 16:21 by Joshua Phillips
In the days of Wii, Nintendo were often playing cat-and-mouse with hackers and piracy but with Wii U, Nintendo are keen to squash hackers like a feeble Goomba.
Rumours surfaced recently that the Wii U had been compromised and that, thanks to a new hack, illegal games could be played off a USB drive. These claims have not yet been proven, and Nintendo have dismissed them.
Nintendo is aware that a hacking group claims to have compromised Wii U security. However, we have no reports of illegal Wii U games nor unauthorised applications playable on the system while in Wii U mode. Nintendo continuously monitors threats to its products' security and will use technology and take the necessary legal steps to prevent the facilitation of piracy.
Nintendo are very dedicated to stopping piracy, and with so many people connected to the internet on Wii U, if such a hack ever did come to fruition, Nintendo could easily send out an update to block the threat.