Nintendo Direct Roundup

Posted 12 Nov 2015 at 22:04 by Dean Anderson
The latest Nintendo Direct brought a few surprises along with it and here's a quick digest of the key reveals made throughout.
First off came a reveal of Nintendo's worst kept secret, Twilight Princess HD. Ported by Tantalus Studios, creators of Mass Effect 3 Wii U and Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut, it arrives on March 4th in Europe with upgraded visuals bumped up to HD resolution along with traditional styled Gamepad controls. No mention was made regarding support for motion controls, be it via the Gamepad or Wii Remote but support was announced for the five currently available Legend of Zelda series Amiibo along with a newly announced Wolf Link Amiibo. Following this was a slick transition into a short clip of fresh footage for Zelda Wii U that reconfirmed a 2016 release date, along with the reveal that the Wolf Link Amiibo will allow for some sort of data to be transfered between both Twilight Princess HD and the still untitiled Zelda Wii U.
Next was an announcement for Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks on the Wii U Virtual Console. Available right now, they are offered at a discount for those that choose to buy both. But still there was more Zelda to come as an announcement regarding free DLC for The Legend of Zelda Triforce Heroes. Coming December 5th it brings new stages and costumes. Likewise a similar announcement was made regarding Splatoon. Coming on November 13th (that's tomorrow by the way), it brings with it new maps to the game, including the recently leaked Museum D'Alfonsino map.
But that's not all! For Super Mario Maker is also recieving another free update that brings greatly expanded search and filter options to the game. Something that many fans of the game who bemoan the lack of ability to find specific types of stages will be sure to appreciate. Alongside this comes a corresponding web app that is accessible via mobile and PC; arriving in December, presumably along with the update.
A new trailer for Xenoblade X was also shown, featuring a somewhat more comical angle than past ones that have been released as well as a new trailer for Mario & Luigi Paper Jam Bros. Neither titles had their announced release dates changed.
Ed Valiente from Nintendo of Europe then made an appearance, showing off some upcoming eShop titles including FAST Racing Neo, which came along with a new trailer that announced a release date due sometime in December 2015. Next was Typoman, with a release date set for November 19th and Steamworld Heist, coming in December 2015, seemingly only on 3DS for this year; it also comes with an exclusive theme. Then moving towards the world of Pokemon comes Pokemon Picross, which includes the ability to purchase additional puzzles in-game and arrives early December 2015 and finally, the Gameboy Virtual Console release that many of you have long yearned for. Pokemon!
Pokemon Red, Blue AND Yellow for 3DS Virtual Console arrive on February 27 with full local wireless multiplayer support; a first for the Gameboy Virtual Console.
Next came some Square Enix love in the form of Final Fantasy Explorers, which now arrives on Janurary 29th 2016, complete with all DLC that was previously made available in Japan for free on its European launch day. A collector's edition will also be made available, but no word was given about the 3D Remaster of Final Fantasy 1 that came alongside its original Japanese release.
A release date for Mega Man Legacy 3DS of February 23rd was given, along with the announcement that it comes with 13 3DS exclusive challenges that are unlocked via the Mega Man Amiibo.
Pokken Tournament was given a new trailer along with the announcement of a Shadow Mewtwo Amiibo card. Coming in Spring 2016 for Wii U in Europe.
A new trailer for Starfox Zero was shown, featuring a new transformation for the Landmaster, called the Gravmaster, that allows the Landmaster to fly limited distances. A release date has now been penciled in for April 2016 in Europe.
The Lucas Amiibo arrives in April 2016 and the first set of Animal Crossing Amiibo figurines arrive on November 20th, alongside Animal Crossing Amiibo Party. A second wave of Animal Crossing Amiibo figures was announced for early 2016.
More footage of Super Pokemon Mystery Dungeon was shown, going over the game's features and a release date of February 19th 2016 was given for Europe.
Next came a blond bombshell of a different kind for Hyrule Warriors Legends in the form of Linkle! You'll never look at Link the same way again as he now has a female counterpart who uses two crossbows at once. It arrives in Europe on March 25th 2016 alongside a collector's edition.
Following the trend of collectors editions is Bravely Second which arrives during the first quarter of 2016, alongside a collector's edition of its own that amusingly points out that the figurine included is not an Amiibo.
And following a long awaited localisation is an even longer one! As Dragon Quest 7 and 8 for 3DS have at long last been announced for European Release! Both arrive in 2016.
Finally, rounding off the localistions is Fire Emblem Fates With two seperate versions confirmed for Europe an exclusive Special Edition was also announced, which included all three story paths in one package.
But there is one final surprise for Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS in the form of a new character... Cloud Strife! The impossibly styled hero of Final Fantasy 7 will be coming to the game alongside a stage styled after Midgar, featuring various summons from the series that arrive to make fighter's lives a misery. Alongside this is the mysterious announcement of a "Special Broadcast" regarding Smash Bros that will arrive some time during December 2015.
Phew! That's all! Be sure to check out the Nintendo Direct video itself to see all the new footage that words do not adequately do justice!