Nintendo Direct to be shown tomorrow, Wednesday 13th February

Posted 12 Feb 2019 at 16:01 by Sam C Gittins
It's that time again! While there have been rumours of a new Nintendo Direct for a while now, Nintendo have now officially confirmed that a new broadcast will be happening tomorow.
Check below for the details...
"An all-new #NintendoDirect is almost here! Tune in at 11pm (CET) on Wednesday, 13/02 for roughly 35 minutes of information on upcoming #NintendoSwitch titles, including new details on #FireEmblem: Three Houses."
Are you as excited as a Nintendog chomping at a rubber ball for this new direct? Is there anything in particular you're hoping for? Or are you perhaps keeping your expectations at a relatively sensible level?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.