Nintendo E3 2019 schedule

Posted 03 Jun 2019 at 14:15 by Sam C Gittins
While we did cover Nintendo's plans for E3 2019 just under a month ago, now that there's only a week to go until the Nintendo Direct and even less until the Invitational and World Championships, we thought it would be handy to have some kind of guide to all things Nintendo which will be happening during the busy week of E3 plus some other conferences as well.
Rest assured that here at N-Europe, we'll be doing our very best to cover the event in as much detail as we can with our usual roundup of each event shortly after it happens and there are bound to be a few extra news articles during this time as well.
For now though, let's see what we're got to look forward to....
Super Mario Maker 2 Invitational, Splatoon 2 & Super Smash Bros. Ultimate World Championships 2019
Saturday 8th June – 19:00 BST / 20:00 CET
There's sure to be more than a bit of excitement between these three events, starting off with the Super Mario Maker 2 Invitational which is sure to show off plenty of prowess in both the creative and game playing departments, as it will take levels made by the Nintendo Treehouse staff and have them played competitively by four different players who are famed within the Super Mario Maker community, surely a fantastic starting point and a great showcase for the upcoming title.
Then we have the Splatoon 2 World Championship which starts at 7PM (UK time) (the Super Mario Maker 2 Invitational should be some time before) which will show plenty of skilled players inking each other to death in various virtual arenas, things will surely get more than a little messy as you'd expect from this kind of game.
Finally there is the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate World Championship final at 10PM (UK time) which should be entertaining to watch no matter how you play Super Smash Bros. Because as anyone who has played multiplayer on the title will know, anything can happen! It will be interesting to see if there are any custom stages in it this time around thanks to the recent addition of the Stage Builder.
Nintendo Direct E3 2019
Tuesday 11th June – 17:00 BST / 18:00 CET
This is surely the main event, what everyone will have been waiting for, the Nintendo Direct for E3 2019 which will likely give us further detail on titles we already know about with games such as Astral Chain from Platinum being a prime contender with its unique gameplay, perhaps now is the time if ever to properly reveal Animal Crossing for the Switch although who knows what form it will take? Luigi's Mansion 3 will surely be explored more thoroughly, especially after plenty of interesting details were present in that reveal trailer we saw a short while ago.
Of course, we can't forget the remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening which had a very memorable unveiling not so long ago, we're all eager to see more on this remake of a beloved classic Zelda game, which did pretty well originally on the Game Boy considering it only ever started as a side project. It's thanks to all the fantastic and (what were then considered to be) unconventional ideas which lead to not only one of the most memorable titles in the series, but it's also responsible for many of the reccuring elements in the series such as the fishing game. It certainly has a lot to live up to but I'm sure we can remain confident in its development and that it will hopefully turn out to be a beloved title once again; all eyes will be on it this E3 though, that's for certain.
But it's the unknown which has the potential to send us Nintendo fans into a frenzy, because who knows what might end up being revealed this year? Over on our forum we've been having fun predicting what might be shown, so why not see for yourself or even join in with the speculation? Just try not to get too carried away, no one will want to see the hype train derailed, but it will inevitably happen the closer we get to the event. Exciting times indeed!
Plus we'll almost certainly get a proper introduction to Nintendo of America's newest President called Doug Bowser... come one, you know there's going to be some leverage with that surname and you know you'll be tuning in to watch.
Nintendo Treehouse Live E3 2019
Tuesday 11th June – Thursday 13th June
No one knows what games will be shown across the two day long Nintendo Treehouse Live event, well except Nintendo themselves that is. One thing is for sure though, if previous years events are anything to go by with the same presenters, then there will be several instances of the word "cute" or "adorable" used at regular intervals, interspersed with mutiple uses of the word "exactly" at almost any given moment.
In all seriousness though, we have had some excellent pieces of gameplay shown off during the Treehouse segments in previous years, so this year will surely be no exception. Let's just hope that they can keep the pacing right and not kill the momentum, as has happened in previous years. Pacing issues aside, I'm sure they will all put on an excellent show as they clearly work very hard to bring us plenty of gameplay and I expect they are on a rather demanding schedule, so even if people are glued to their screens during the whole of the live segments or just popping back in now and then to see what they are showing, this will prove to be a very popular part of E3 as it's a very unique way of getting the information and the passion behind all things Nintendo across.
And the rest...
Just in case, because you never know what might turn up at the other press conferences, all of them have some kind of link with Nintendo, even Microsoft... especially in recent times, so if you want to see what's happening in the other conferences, here are the times for those as well.
Microsoft - Sunday 9th June – 21:00 BST / 22:00 CET
Bethesda - Monday 10th June – 01:30 BST / 02:30 CET
Ubisoft - Monday 10th June – 21:00 BST / 22:00 CET
Square Enix - Tuesday 11th June – 02:00 BST / 03:00 CET
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Oh, and not forgetting...
A couple of extra conferences which are well worth mentioning due to their content, humour and service to the gaming community in general. Yep, how could we forget Devolver Digital who have not only put on two excellent and entertaining conferences thus far featuring many comedic takes on trends within the gaming industry but crucially backing it up by publishing some fantastic games.
Limited Run also attempted a similar kind of conference last year, which might not have been on the same level but they really deliver the goods when it comes to physical games and have announced many big titles coming out later on down the line in physical form, so if you like to collect Switch titles then you'll want to tune in for this one.
Devolver Digital - Monday 10th June – 03:00 BST / 04:00 CET
Limited Run Games - Monday 10th June – 20:00 BST / 21:00 CET
Thank you to forum member and N-Europe supporter Sméagol for the heads-up on these two conferences.
So there we have it, that's everything Nintendo or that could possibly be related to the Big N which is happening at E3 2019.
Be sure to stick with N-Europe to keep up to date with the latest news and we'll do our very best to cover it all in a timely manner, inbetween all the inveitable excitment and meltdowns of course.
Are you excited for E3 2019 yet? Is there any megaton announcement in particular that you're hoping for? Or are you going to remain completely calm and collected during the entire event without even the smallest suggestion of anything hype-inducung?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.