Nintendo eShop new releases (week 22)

Posted 05 Jun 2023 at 23:15 by Sam C Gittins
A selection of new titles are now available on the Nintendo Switch eShop.
New release highlights
- Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection - £71.99
- We Love Katamari REROLL+ Royal Reverie - £24.99
- Killer Frequency - £20.99
- Decarnation - £13.49
Special offers
- Ori and the Will of the Wisps - £4.99 until 08/06/2023
- Farm Tycoon - £0.89 until 11/06/2023
- Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - £3.74 until 08/06/2023
- Master Detective Archives: Rain Code - £70.99 until 29/06/2023
- Yooka-Laylee - £3.49 until 14/06/2023
- Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus - £6.99 until 21/06/2023
- King of Seas - £3.99 until 13/06/2023
- Lego Marvel Super Heroes - £6.99 until 25/06/2023
Demo highlights
- Dr. Fetus' Mean Meat Machine
That's it for this week, check out the Weekly Download News page for further details including Special offers and much more.
For more details, check out the discussion on our forum.