Nintendo eShop new releases (week 39)

Posted 07 Oct 2022 at 01:48 by Sam C Gittins
A selection of new titles are now available on the Nintendo Switch eShop.
New release highlights
Tunic - £25.19 "A top-down adventure that's as slick as a fox"
Life is Strange Arcadia Bay Collection - £32.99 "Life IS Strange"
Fifa 23 - £34.99 "It's the Football!"
Railgrade - £15.99 "Construct, connect, restore!"
Picross S8 - £8.99 "Anyone for more Picross?"
Dorf Romantik - £12.99 "Landscape puzzles"
Hokko Life - £15.99 "Another community sim game?"
The Spirit and the Mouse - £15.49 "Mouse in France"
Special offers
Inside - £1.79 until 09/10/2022
Dorf Romantik - £11.69 until 09/10/2022
.Dog - £0.89 until 09/10/2022
This War of Mine: Complete Edition - £1.79 until 28/10/2022
Cuphead - £11.89 until 06/10/2022
Green Hell £2.24 until 12/10/2022
Ni No Kuni Remastered - £7.49 until 13/10/2022
Strange Horticulture - £9.74 until 06/10/2022
That's it for this week, check out the Weekly Download News page for further details including Special offers and much more.
For more details, check out the discussion on our forum.