Nintendo fans blow, break world record

It may seem like an odd Guinness World Record to want to achieve but world record's come in many odd forms, as do Kirby promotions. This one, thankfully, doesn't involve a concrete bench decorated with wool, neither does it require anyone sticking as many pegs on their face as possible (though Kirby would be good at that). 

No, this World Record attempt was to get as many people as possible chewing gum and exhaling bubbles. The grand total was 536 Kirby fans, which resulted in a new world record, a lot of gum and a lot of pink. 

Whilst it may not sound too impressive, the picture certainly is. Though that could be down to the insane amount of Kirby in one area. Also, free Kirby t-shirts with suggestively placed red cheeks. 

According to the overlords at Guinness, the previous record was a pathetic 304 participants achieved by Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Rumour has it that King Dedede fans the world over are now preparing for the "most people wielding hammers in one single building" record. 

If you're still bemused, there was a reason to all of this. It was in celebration of the release of Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edition which releases for Wii on September 16th in America. When does it release over here? You guessed it, we're still in the dark. 

Kirby12Our satanic reaction to no European Kirby.

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