Nintendo Indie World Presentation Roundup

Posted 31 May 2019 at 09:00 by Sam C Gittins
Their was an Indie World presentation broadcast by Nintendo today, mostly focused on Indie titles as you'd expect from the title and it was mostly for Japan but there were a few announcements which may be of interest to Nintendo fans around the world.
Here is a list of titles which were shown in the video in case you don't want to watch it...
(The titles with release dates next to them are the ones which we're still waiting for in the UK/European territories)
Already released
- Ape Out
- Cuphead
- Just Shapes & Beats
- Overcooked 2
- Passpartout: The Starving Artist
- The Friends of Ringo Ishikawa
- Ultimate Chicken Horse
Coming soon
- Cadence of Hyrule (June 2019)
- Coffee Talk (Fall 2019)
- Conduct Together! (June 2019)
- Graveyard Keeper (Summer 2019)
- Heave Ho (Summer 2019)
- La-Mulana 2 (June 27th, 2019)
- Lonely Mountains: Downhill (Summer 2019)
- My Friend Pedro (June 2019)
- To The Moon (Summer 2019)
So as you can see, there are quite a few titles to look forward to and probably the most notable is the fact that Cadence of Hyrule is indeed coming out in June, so it won't be long before we're travelling across Hyrule one dance step at a time, dispatching enemies to the beat of the unbelievably catchy soundtrack thanks to this excellent crossover between The Legend of Zelda and Crypt of the Necrodancer series'.
Here's the presentation if you wanted to watch it...
And here's our pick of the trailers...
What do you make of this latest Indie World presentation? Are there any particular titles you're looking forward to playing on the Switch? Are you just glad to finally have Cadence of Hyrule confirmed for June?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.