Nintendo outlines Switch online paid service, coming 2018

Posted 02 Jun 2017 at 07:31 by Ashley Jones
After months of speculation and the occassional hint, we finally know some more details about Nintendo's plans for the Switch online functionality. While the console currently offers free online play, this was always meant to be an extended trial period.
We now know that that period has been extended to cover the whole of this year, as the paid service will not be coming until 2018, although when in 2018 is unknown.
After this period gamers will need to pay a subscription fee to access online play, although the website does state that exceptions may apply, suggesting some games may continue to be free to play online.
The two big features of the online service are the app that you can use to set up matches and communicate while online and the classic game selection. The app will only work with "compatible games" according to the website, although that's all it gives. A free pre-release version will be launching this summer.
The classic game selection will allow you to play classic NES games such as Super Mario Bros. 3, Balloon Fight and Dr. Mario with added online play. Previously Nintendo stated you would get this for one month, but this has now changed so that you keep them while you are still a paying member.
Nintendo has also promised exclusive promotions, but no details are available at present.
The subscription itself will cost you €3.99 for one month (30 days), €7.99 for three months (90 days) or €19.99 for a year (365 days).
The pricing has currently been set in Euros, with Nintendo stating that other currencies will be available soon. Given the current state of the British Pound, it's fair to say it will be €1 = £1.