Nintendo Plan ‘Smooth Transition’ to Next Generation

Posted 28 Jun 2023 at 10:07 by Joshua Phillips
Rumours and speculation are at an all-time high regarding what Nintendo has planned for life post-Switch, despite Nintendo recently stating that no new hardware is expected in the current financial year. With that said, the financial year in question ends in March 2024, so that really isn’t too long to wait before we may start hearing rumblings about the next iteration of Nintendo gaming.
With that in mind, our forum has been discussing what they want and what they expect from the upcoming console. But speculation aside, Nintendo do have some news regarding their plans on the new system, and it’s music to our ears.
Nintendo have claimed they intend to use the same account system that is currently in place on Switch, and older gamers among us know that this is great news, as previous transitions from one Nintendo console to the next have often been arduous, especially with the Wii to Wii U where everyone had to make brand-new accounts on their Wii U systems, and re-purchase Vitrual Console titles that they previously had on Wii.
Could this also mean that our Nintendo Switch libraries carry over to the new console, much like the backwards compatibility options available on Xbox? There is no confirmation of that yet, but this makes it much, much more likely.
Here is what Nintendo President, Shuntaro Furukawa, had to say on the matter:
"As for the transition from Nintendo Switch to the next generation machine, we want to do as much as possible in order to smoothly transition our customers, while utilizing the Nintendo Account."
This is a translation to English from Japanese from Twitter user @Genki_JPN – And the whole investors meeting, in which Shuntaro Furukawa stated this, and more, can be found here in Japanese.