Nintendo shares a Switch games in 2020 infographic

Posted 22 Jan 2020 at 01:57 by Sam C Gittins
While the year may only have just begun and we've only just had Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore released last Friday which you can check back with us for a review of soon, understandably Switch owners are wondering just what's in store for this year with games being released from Nintendo and various third-parties.
Thankfully, it seems that Nintendo has produced a very handy infographic which details all of the latest confirmed retail releases for the Switch to date and also says to expect announcements "throughout the year" when it comes to games we don't know anything about yet and on the face of it while this might seem obvious, it's nice to have it in some kind of official promotional form.
Check out the graphic below for all of the main releases for 2020 which we already know about and are for the mostpart greatly anticipating...
Are there many games on this list which you're currently looking forward to? Or are you more intruiged by the prospect of as of yet unannounced titles being revealed at any moment? It would seem that there will be plenty to play on the Switch in 2020 one way or another. (personally, that Panzer Dragoon remake can't get here soon enough!)
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.