Nintendo suffers operating loss of 5.13 billion Yen in Q1 2016

Posted 27 Jul 2016 at 14:45 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo has posted its first quarterly earnings report for the fiscal year 2016, which began in April of this year, and its fair to say they have done much better in the past.
During April, May and June Nintendo was hit with an operating loss of 5.13 billion Yen (€45.1 million / £37.9 million), representing a 31.3 percent drop from last year.
Wii U sales dropped to 220,000 in the quarter as software was not in strong supply and gamers await the NX, which is expected to release in March 2017.
This was the first quarter where Miitomo's effects could be felt and while earnings from the app weren't reported, the category that it belongs to (smart devices and IP licensing) accounted for 1.65 billion Yen.
Pokémon Go will help them a bit this year as they own some of the license and NES Classic Edition is bound to be popular, but other than these there's not much on Nintendo's schedule and their projected earnings have not changed.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and the Nintendo NX are both scheduled for March 2017 and presuming they're not delayed they will supply a last-minute boost for this fiscal year, but it looks like it might be a rough one for Nintendo unless they pull some big surprises out of the bag.