Nintendo Switch System Update 18.0.1 Available Now

Posted 23 Apr 2024 at 10:04 by Joshua Phillips
What can you rely on in life? The existence of the sun, the uncertainty of the stock market, the fact that April showers bring May flowers… and the ever prescient knowledge that another Nintendo Switch update is always just around the corner.
As earth-shattering as always, this update brings more stability to the system, as well as fixing some minor internet connectivity issues. Scroll down for the full low-down from Nintendo:
Ver. 18.0.1 (Released April 22, 2024)
- Fixed an issue where some wireless access points cannot be found when setting up a new wireless network.
- If you’re unable to update to Version 18.0.1 because of the issue, temporarily change the security settings for your wireless network to use only “WPA2 (AES)” so you can connect wirelessly to download and install the system update.
- After updating to Version 18.0.1, restore your network’s security settings to its previous settings.
- General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
So the next time you’re on your Switch, remember to update it! Or don’t. Who am I to tell you what to do?