Nintendo to assist third party developers in localisation

Posted 31 Jan 2013 at 15:35 by Joshua Phillips
Nintendo have enjoyed great success in the past when localising games over in Europe and the US with titles such as Professor Layton and Dragon Quest and it seems that they're keen to replicate this success and boost sales of the 3DS.
According to Iwata, Nintendo plan to release more games to help widen the system's appeal so that people buy it for more than just Mario. To do this, Nintendo plan to release around 10 key titles in the near future.
Iwata didn't give the full list of titles but did confirm six of them. Fire Emblem: Awakening, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Brain Age: Concentration Training, Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins, Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Pokémon X/Y are some of the titles that Nintendo plan to release to once again set the 3DS alight.
Iwata stated that Nintendo are also keen to help distribute key third-party games overseas as developers in Japan assign their top teams to create fantastic 3DS titles.
"Among those third-party titles both developed and published in Japan, there have been some games which Nintendo published in Europe, inclusing Professor Layton series. We will increase the number of such games for the U.S. market as well as in Europe. We are also willing to flexibly assist third-party developers in distributing their valuable games overseas."
So it seems the 3DS has a bright future indeed. What current titles exclusive to Japan would you like to see make it over to Europe? Let us know your thoughts below.