Nintendo unveils Toy-Con 03: Vehicle Kit

Posted 27 Jul 2018 at 08:47 by Sam C Gittins
Nintendo have just announced the latest addition to their Labo Toy-Con library, this latest vehicle set lets you pilot three different vehicles after making the relevant control aparatus contained in the kit.
Check out the details and trailer below...
"Make, Play and Discover new adventures with the all new Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit! Create and control three new Toy-Con Projects, including the Car, Plane, and Submarine. Use your special Toy-Con Key to activate the different Nintendo Labo controls for each vehicle, and explore a mysterious world full of challenges!
Nintendo Labo: Vehicle Kit arrives 9/14, only on Nintendo Switch!"
Are you excited for this latest Labo creation? Have you tried out Nintendo Labo yet? Would you have bought this game as a standalone title if it worked without Labo?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.