Nintendo's next handheld reportedly codenamed MH

Posted 24 May 2016 at 10:12 by Ashley Jones
After months of speculation we may have finally found out that the NX is indeed Nintendo's next home console as a new codename for their next handheld has come to light.
A report from Trader's Web, translated by Twitter user BlackKite, states that Nintendo's next handheld currently has the codename MH.
The report discuses Nintendo's finances and recent adjustments made to them. It highlights how new ventures such as mobile games, theme parks and a health service open up new avenues for potential profit.
It then moves on to Nintendo's upcoming consoles, listing the NX as a home console and MH as a portable console.
This is the first we've seen discussion of a separate home and handheld console. Until now we only knew about the NX, leading to much speculation as to whether it was a home console, a portable or both.
There has been no official confirmation from Nintendo but we'll keep you updated with any developments. In the mean time let us know what you think in the comments and take a stab at what the codenames may mean.