Official Nintendo Magazine redesign is imminent, various Nintendo Gamer staff to join the team

Posted 03 Sep 2012 at 11:21 by Joshua Phillips
Subscribers to Nintendo Gamer will have received a letter in the post this morning regarding their subscription but it also came with some information as to how ONM is set to change in the next few months.
Matthew Castle, editor of Official Nintendo Magazine and, up until recently, editor of Nintendo Gamer said in the letter that ONM is now a hybrid that encompasses "the slightly skew-whiff world view of Nintendo Gamer" whilst benefiting from "the incredible access only an official magazine can get."
In the letter, Matthew Castle also touches upon how ONM is set to recieve "a spot of polish" and that they've recruited the best writers in the business "including many Nintendo Gamer alumni".
Are you sitting down? I'm writing to you with some rather glum news. After six years, and eighty issues, Nintendo Gamer is closing its doors. Or should that be pages? Either way, the UK's only unofficial Nintendo magazine is no more.
I'd like to think that you've had fun these last six years - the team certainly has - and that your memories will be fond ones. You know, like the time we gave Wii Music 89%. Or the issue where we built that terrible Super Mario Galaxy planet out of papier-maché. On second thought, I'm amazed you stuck with us at all.
The question is, where do we go from here? Well, Team Nintendo Gamer will be dumped in a landfill site with all our free ice cube trays and Wii Remote wheels (worth seven pounds). As for you, loyal subscriber, your remaining subscription will be automatically transferred to Nintendo Gamer's sister publication, Official Nintendo Magazine.
Yes, yes: boo, hiss etc. But it needn't be this way. I joined Team ONM back in June and we've been working hard to make this a Nintendo magazine for everyone. I like to think of it as a hybrid: the slightly skew-whiff world view of Nintendo Gamer married to the incredible access only an official magazine can get. It's exciting stuff.
And what a perfect time to give the mag a go. Wii U is just around the corner, 3DS is going from strength to, er, slightly similar levels of strength and ONM is getting a spot of polish to accommodate the both of them. Our art team is locked away working on a shiny redesign, and we've recruited the best writers in the business - including many Nintendo Gamer alumni - to ensure the words are up to scratch.
Print media has been in decline for years but hopefully with the help of ex Nintendo Gamer staff and support from Nintendo fans, Official Nintendo Magazine, what is now the only Nintendo magazine available in the UK, will have a successful future.