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Star Fox Zero enters UK chart at number 6

Star Fox Zero barrel rolls into number six in its first week in the UK charts, while New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi U continues to enjoy good sales following its recent discount.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Nintendo eShop titles available week commencing April 25th

Yo-Kai Watch is this week's big eShop release, while Super Punch-Out!! enters the Virtual Console ring for a bout on the New Nintendo 3DS.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
What Happens NX? #3 - Launch

We've looked at the importance of third party titles and how you interact with the games itself and in this instalment of What Happens NX? we look at that exciting and costly launch of a new console. What will the NX launch look like? Let's look back to see how it might turn out...
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Nintendo stock stolen from lorry again

Nintendo has once again been hit by UK thieves who have made off with stock from a lorry. Thieves made off with thousands of pounds worth of stock last week while the driver was resting overnight.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Throwback Thursday #20 - Beetle Adventure Racing

There was a time when racing games used to be fun, adventurous even AND they had Beetles in! No not the insects... the cars of course, yes we're talking about the vastly underrated Beetle Adventure Racing of course! Read on to find out why Ashley loved it so much...
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Yo-Kai Watch

Level 5's take on the Monster Collecting genre finally hits European shores! Is this attack Super Effective? Or does it miss its mark? Perhaps it's actually a lot less like Pokémon than you'd expect? Either way, you'll find the answer inside, so click here already!
Posted by Dean Anderson 8 years ago
Star Fox Zero

The 19 year wait finally comes to an end as Fox McCloud and the team take flight once more! Is this the comeback that we've all been waiting for, or should the team have stayed in retirement? Find out inside!
Posted by Dean Anderson 8 years ago
Star Fox Guard

Sta Fox Guard is a tech demo turned Star Fox Zero companion game, but does the GamePad-focused title stand out on its own? Find out if its worth giving the slip or doing barrel rolls of joy.
Posted by Jonathan Stanley 8 years ago
NEShow Episode 4 - Rumble Mumble, Exclusive Star Fox Zero Preview, Sponge Bath Goodness

The fourth instalment of the NEShow is here! Packed with the latest news, a Star Fox Zero preview, forum happenings, Mario Kart League highlights, the chance to win Star Fox 64 3D and a sneak peek of Jonathan in the bath.
Posted by Joshua Phillips 8 years ago
UK Charts for week ending 16th April 2016

While sales of certain titles may be slowing down, the latest range of Nintendo Selects seem to be selling reasonably well. Check inside for the details.
Posted by Sam C Gittins 8 years ago
Nintendo eShop titles available week commencing April 18th

The Wii U is in trouble, we need your help Star Fox! Fortunately the wait is finally over as Star Fox Zero arrives this week along with a whole host of other titles flying alongside. Check inside for this weeks new releases.
Posted by Sam C Gittins 8 years ago
Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins Airs April 20th

Everyone's favourite puppet-like woodland space animals will be appearing in their first ever animated short in Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins on April 20th. Trailer inside!
Posted by Joshua Phillips 8 years ago
What Happens NX? #2 - The Controller

The second instalment of What Happens NX? looks at the controller. With the Wii and Wii U controllers completely surprising fans, what, if anything, can we expect from the NX controller? We've already seen some fakes, but what do we think might actually be in store?
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Mega Man Legacy Collection

Is this game mega, man? Does it rock, man?
Posted by Dennis Tummers 8 years ago
Throwback Thursday #19 - Mischief Makers

In a time when 3D platformers were all the rage, this bizarre and overtly Japanese game went against the grain with it's 2.5D style and unique game mechanics. Find out why Ashley loved it so much inside...
Posted by Joshua Phillips 8 years ago
Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games 3DS

Mario and Sonic are back for some more Olympic fun but will they manage to bag any medals?
Posted by Joshua Phillips 8 years ago
SpongeBob Squarepants Splatfest coming to Splatoon on April 23rd

Splatoon gamers will be able to choose between SpongeBob and Patrick next weekend as a new Splatfest is coming in association with Nickelodeon.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Special: Is My Nintendo Picross worth your points?

In this special we will find out if the first My Nintendo reward is worth your precious Platinum points, or that they are better saved in your digital piggy bank.
Posted by Dennis Tummers 8 years ago
Miyamoto's Garden #7

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I take one final trip to Miyamoto's Garden, though this will surely be a tale to end all tales, though no more than usual.
Posted by Iun Hockley 8 years ago
VC Weekly 373

The first Final Fantasy title to grace a Nintendo platform since the late Nineties, granted there have been more since but none quite like this! Check inside for the verdict.
Posted by Sam C Gittins 8 years ago
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