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Miyamoto's Garden #5

It's that time again, I hope you are dressed suitably in your best humble and sequined jacket for it is time for us to take another trip to Miyamoto's Garden!
Posted by Iun Hockley 8 years ago
Miitomo launches in Europe and America March 31st

Nintendo promised us that Miitomo would launch worldwide in March and they're just squeaking in there. Their first smartphone app will launch March 31st in Europe and America.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Hyrule Warriors: Legends enters UK charts at number 13

Hyrule Warriors: Legends gets off to a decent start in the UK chart, entering at number 13. Pokkén Tournament moves down from number 3 to number 14 for the week ending March 26th.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Nintendo eShop titles available week commencing March 29th

Metroid: Other M is the big eShop release this week, but Nintendo is also having a Fire Emblem sale to get you ready for Fire Emblem Fates. If you've been meaning to check out the series, now is the time!
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Happy Easter from N-Europe

N-Europe would like to wish you a happy Easter, filled with Yoshi eggs, disproportionate villains and Billy.
Posted by Joshua Phillips 8 years ago
#Pokémon20 - Red, Blue and Pokken!

In a new feature on N-Europe, we delve into the world of Pokemon each week to celebrate its vast history of music, TV, movies and games in honour of its 20th Anniversary! This week, what better way to start than with something old, something new, something PEGI rated and something Blue.
Posted by Joshua Phillips 8 years ago
Throwback Thursday #16 - Wave Race

Ignored, used and disowned; the regrettable tale of one of my favourite games of all time.
Posted by Gregory Moffett 8 years ago
NE Staff Super Chat #1

Several of the N-Europe staff members got together via Skype to chat about what they're up to and their reactions to the latest Nintendo news.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Nikkei reports that Wii U production to stop in 2016

According to a report on Japanese website Nikkei, Nintendo is set to finish production of the Wii U during 2016.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
5TH Cell lays off many employees

5TH Cell, the studio behind Scribblenauts and Drawn to Life, has laid off many of their staff but have apparently not closed down despite reports stemming from Twitter.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Hyrule Warriors Legends

Does Hyrule Warriors Legends rule from up high or does it not have the legs to still appeal to Zelda fans?
Posted by Nick Lone 8 years ago
Miitomo has one million users in Japan

Nintendo's first mobile phone app has hit one million users in Japan since its release last week. The social media app has a lot of people taking photos and has resulted in many photos of Miis with cats. Cats on the internet, can you believe?
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Pokkén Tournament enters UK charts at number 3

Pokkén Tournament comes out fighting, entering the UK chart at number 3. Elsewhere in the chart; Twilight Princess HD slips and Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer creeps in.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Nintendo eShop titles available week commencing March 21st

Some of Nintendo's biggest franchises are available this week as Hyrule Warriors: Legends is released while two Donkey Kong titles and Star Fox 64 join the Virtual Console.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Return to PopoloCrois: A STORY OF SEASONS Fairytale

With a vast array of RPGs coming out on the 3DS, is Return To PopoloCrois worth picking or better left in the dirt?
Posted by Dennis Tummers 8 years ago
Throwback Thursday #15 - Phantasy Star Online

It's a long, long run... to the palace in the sun!
Posted by Sam C Gittins 8 years ago
Over 279 million Pokémon titles sold in 20 years

In the 20 years since Pokémon Green and Red were released in Japan the franchise has gone on to sell over 279 million games.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
Satoru Iwata honoured at Game Developers Conference Awards

The late Nintendo President Satoru Iwata received a touching animated tribute during the Game Developers Conference Awards last night.
Posted by Ashley Jones 8 years ago
VC Weekly 371

Here it is, the very last Mega Man Battle Network title to ever grace the Virtual Console. Check inside for the verdict.
Posted by Sam C Gittins 8 years ago
Miyamoto's Garden #4

As I took a sip of water, it was then I realised... this was not liquid for drinking but rather the salty tears of Sega Executives; I knew then that our very own Iun Hockley surely had something to do with this. Please join us as we take another trip to the centre of the great Miyamoto's Garden, don't mind the pile of burning Dreamcast consoles!
Posted by Iun Hockley 8 years ago
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