Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies. Retail or Digital.

Posted 19 Jun 2013 at 08:44 by Mohamed Ali
Producer Motehide Eshiro previously stated that he didn't want the normally long wait between Japanese and Western launches to happen with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies. That was the main reason why Capcom decided to go for a digital eShop release for North America and Europe.
"We didn't want to have too much lag time between the Japanese and American versions. Offering a downloadable version was one of the ways to cut down that lag time."
However he previously went on to suggest that a physical western release was not impossible but that would only be considered if the fans of the series pushed hard and showed their support on all fronts.
Now senior vice president of Capcom (USA), Christian Svensson had this to say on Capcom-Unity.
“As a part of that process, Eshiro-san and I have met multiple times, including the morning where he gave the interview where he made the statement above. I was not quite ready to open the possibility to folks until we had a few more ducks in a row but Eschiro suggested he mention the potential in an an interview he was having that afternoon.”
“So, if you'd like to be heard, you can post on this thread (I'll leave it open), PM me on Capcom-Unity or hit up my twitter (@chrissvensson) as many folks already have. I need some additional ammo and these requests fit that need.”
“If things go well and demand is there, in a few weeks I may be able to present an option that puts the ball back in the fans' court (in "tennis" terms, not "of law" terms). I want to stress the word "may" so as to not misrepresent the situation or promise anything. We are trying. Again, timing and pricing would be at a disadvantage to the digital option as an assumption you should make.”
So there you have it, if you want to have Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies as a retail release over here then head on over to Capcom-Unity or Capcom’s official Twitter account or Christian Svensson’s official Twitter account. Maybe you could start up your own petition and email it to them. It doesn't matter how you do it, all that does matter is that you do it. Show support.
For more news on Phoenix & Co, follow N-europe.