Photos with Mario AR app and cards now available in Europe

Looks like this is the month of long forgotten games and apps resurfacing from the depths of obscurity, as a set of Photos with Mario eShop cards have been found at a local WHSmith store here in the UK.

This is a photograph of a UK eShop card, £20 denomination, that includes the Photos with Mario AR Card printed on the eShop card. It also makes reference to the app itself.

Like Photos with Animal Crossing, the Mario equivilent works in much the same way.  A download code for the app is included on the eShop card itself.  You download the free software and use it to take 3D AR pictures of the characters that correspond with the eShop card you use.

The app is live right now and can be downloaded using the code that is included on the eShop card itself.

Special thanks to our very own VsPhoenix here on the forums who brought this to our attention.

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