Picross S+ Announced for Nintendo Switch

Posted 12 Sep 2023 at 11:38 by Joshua Phillips
The 3DS eShop closed earlier this year, and with it a deluge of content was lost forever. Thankfully though, developers have been re-releasing or repurposing some of this lost content, and Jupiter is one of those developers, the people behind the download-only Picross e Nintendo 3DS titles.
All 9 of the Nintendo 3DS titles will be making their way to the Nintendo Switch in Picross S+, which is scheduled for a 2024 release. Picross S+ will feature puzzles from the original Picross e for the base price of £3.99, with the other titles being available as a download within that software for £3.99 each, including the Japanese only Picross e9.
Each pack contains 150 Picross and Mega Picross puzzles, so it will be sure to keep you busy well into the year!
Will you be picking these up in 2024? Or does the thought of that many Picross titles for one system leave you puzzled?