Platinum Games celebrates Astral Chain's success by sharing Thank You artwork with fans

Posted 06 Sep 2019 at 17:14 by Sam C Gittins
Astral Chain has done very well indeed during its launch week, even managing to top the all-formats charts, which doesn't happen too often for a true system exclusive; I would say from what I've managed to play that it's well-deserved too.
Understandably everyone involved with the development of the game are very pleased to see that it's done so well and a select few members of the team have been extending their thanks to the fans in a variety of ways.
The latest of which is this Tweet from Platinum Games which shows off a wonderful illustration from artist Hajime Kimura which contains the cast of Astral Chain in true celebratory form.
Check it out below...
"Thanks to all of you who've helped make #ASTRALCHAIN such a success! PG artist Hajime Kimura celebrates with this cheerful cast illustration."
From everyone here at N-Europe we'd like to extend our congratulations to the team at Platinum Games for creating such a wonderful Nintendo Switch exclusive title which will surely go down in history as being one of the all-time greats for the system.
Look out for our full review, some time in the near future.
Have you played Astral Chain yet? Or is it on your wishlist? If you've yet to purchase a Switch, would you consider buying one to experience this game?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.