Platinum Games hits out at critics of Japanese industry

Posted 25 Sep 2012 at 18:47 by Aaron Clegg
While it may be the in-thing to posit that western studios are leading gaming forward whilst their Japanese counterparts are in decline, the head of one of the most-loved Japanese studios has hit back at those who so coolly dismiss the eastern side of the industry.
Platinum Games's Atsushi Inaba made his views very clear in a recent interview with UK mag Edge (via CVG).
"I don't like it when people lump Japanese games developers all together into one group. Frankly, I think it's a joke. What do these people know? Think about Western developers. There are many Western developers making terrible games, and then you see one like Infinity Ward making a game that sells 20 million and everyone goes, 'hey, Western developers are amazing!'
"There are tons of terrible Western developers, just like there are tons of terrible Japanese developers. To lump studios together in great masses misses the point."
Platinum Games is currently locked into a busy commitment of developing several titles, including the Nintendo-published The Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 - both for Wii U.