Platinum Games news roundup The Wonderful 101 release date and Project G.G. announced

Platinum Games continue to make headlines as they announce the release date for Thw Wonderful 101: Remastered which is May 22nd, 2002 in Europe and they have also announced their next major game which is currently titled Project G.G. which is at this point planned for release on all major platforms; of course there will likely be more Platinum Games related news as this latest announcement marks number two out of their Platinum 4 initiative, it will surely be interesting to see what the next two announcements are.

Check out the latest press releases from Hideki Kamiya himself below plus the relevant trailers...

Hello, everyone. Platinum Games Chief Game Designer Hideki Kamiya here.

About seven years ago, we released The Wonderful 101. I’ve moved up to become a member of the Platinum Games executive board, but back in those days, I didn’t think very much about the business end of things (okay, I’ll admit that maybe I still don’t). I devoted all of my attention to creating games that met my own personal standards. The Wonderful 101 was the sixth game I’d directed throughout my career. Unfortunately, I can’t say it was much of a success, from a business standpoint.

But I’ve also never thought of it as a failure. I didn’t back then, and I don’t today. That’s because, to a game creator, a game is only a failure if it disappoints the gamers who play it. From the start, The Wonderful 101 didn’t quite reach a large enough audience for me to clearly call it either way.

So regardless of how The Wonderful 101 fared in the marketplace the first time around, I’m considering this a chance to show it to the world again. I’m looking forward to seeing how it measures up.

The Wonderful 101 has gotten this miraculous second chance thanks to all of you who’ve told us you wanted to play it, as well as the passionate PG staff who worked on it with me. We’re delighted to see it return on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Steam.

This isn’t just a simple port, either. We’ve tuned the controls for each new platform and made several adjustments that should make it easier to grasp and play. On top of that, we’ve improved the image quality and frame rate to suit modern hardware. On the whole, I’d say The Wonderful 101: Remastered is the definitive edition of the game!

We’ve loaded The Wonderful 101: Remastered with as much Platinum spirit as we could. I sincerely hope you’ll all play it and let us know what you think!

Hello, everyone. PlatinumGames chief game designer Hideki Kamiya here.

It’s my honor today, at long last, to announce an all-new, all-original project from PlatinumGames. In the fourteen years since we founded this company, we’ve worked towards the dream of making and releasing a game based on a Platinum intellectual property. Now, we’re finally stepping up to that starting line.

What makes this new title different from what we’ve done before? Let me explain a bit, because I’m sure you’ll agree that this is a giant step for PlatinumGames!

We’ve made a wide variety of games throughout our history, sometimes based on existing properties, like NieR:Automata; sometimes wholly original stories, like Bayonetta and ASTRAL CHAIN. Our work has found a core of passionate fans who trust us to deliver high-quality action games.

But PlatinumGames has thus far only been a developer. That means we make the games, and that’s it. All of our titles up until how have been made under contracts, with cooperation and funding from the publishers who distribute them.

Of course, everyone at Platinum and I are extremely grateful for the relationship that we’ve made with all of you through the games we’ve made so far. But ultimately, all of those games belong to publishers. Any and all decisions about how those games are promoted, how their content is used, and so on, are entirely up to the publisher.

As a creator, it’s hard not to think of my games as my children. After all, it takes a lot of hard work to raise them up, and a lot of love, too. However, once they’re done, any choices about them are entirely out of my hands. So, for example, no matter how many times people tell me, “You should make a sequel to this game,” or, “I’d love to see it on that console,” there’s nothing I can do about it.

Which brings us to Project G.G. (that’s just a working title, by the way). Project G.G. is different. Unlike any of the games we’ve made so far, it’s going to be a 100% PlatinumGames title. For everything from its setting and characters, to its game design and story, to how it’s promoted – PlatinumGames is in full control.

Of course, that has its downsides, too. We’ll be taking on new risks that we’ve never had to assume before as a contracted developer. Having full control over the Project G.G. IP gives us a ton of freedom, but also a ton of responsibility. Still, I think we can harness that sense of responsibility and turn it into motivation to make Project G.G. the best game it can be.

Like I said before, with Project G.G., we’re stepping up to a starting line. The finish line is still a long way away. But I know I’m looking forward to running the race! I hope you’ll cheer us on.

And if you’d like to join us at Platinum as we start out on this new endeavor, I sincerely hope you’ll take a look at our jobs page and see if there’s a position that’s right for you.

On behalf of the Project G.G. team and all of PlatinumGames, thank you for your support!

What do you make of the announcement of Project G.G. and the release date for The Wonderful 101? Are there other announcements you'll be hoping Platinum Games will make as part of their latest initiative? Will a Bayonetta 3 release date soon be on the cards?

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