Play Snipperclips For Free With Nintendo Switch Online

Posted 25 Jan 2023 at 20:17 by Joshua Phillips
The fantastic Nintendo Switch launch title, Snipperclips, is available to try for free through Nintendo Switch Online from January 27th to February 3rd. This comes hot off the heels of the previous free title,UNO, which was a free NSO download just last week.
This makes a change for Nintendo Switch Online Game Trials, which typically have only happened every month or so previously. Could this be a sign of things to come, with NSO subscribers granted free games on a more frequent basis? We can only hope!
We reviewed Snipperclips – Cut it out, together!, way back in 2017 at the launch of the Nintendo Switch, nearly 6 years ago! Where does the time go? We were very fond of the title and gave it a glowing 8 out of 10. There’s a snippet (aha!) of our review below, or if you’d rather, you can find the whole review here.
The concept behind Snipperclips is simple; you play as a colourful, papery character who can cut other paper characters into certain shapes. The controls are simple and within minutes of booting up the game I felt like I had a good idea of what I could and couldn’t do.
The great thing about Snipperclips is how far the level design can take such a simple concept. In one level you may decide to cut one player into a point so that they can pop a balloon, but minutes later you’ll find yourself cutting each other in such a way that you can transfer a basketball from side of the screen to the next. The levels are designed so that whilst one solution may trump the rest, players can often solve puzzles with their own abstract ideas. The lack of a time limit encourages creativity and the game benefits from it tremendously.
You can start downloading the free trial right now, and enjoy it from January 27th to February 3rd.