Podcast: First Edition!

Welcome to a new feature on Revo-Europe! Head inside to listen to our very first podcast! Details and more after the jump...

Hello there! Welcome to a brand new part of the site we're launching today. Many other Nintendo sites have started up podcasts, so we thought we better jump on the bandwagon. Featuring all your favourite Revo-Europe staff (we know you love us) discussing the latest news and issues in the world of Nintendo, this historic first issue is unmissable!

Topics covered in Issue One:

  • Shigeru Miyamoto - do some fanboys love him as more than just a game developer?
  • Nintendo taking over Microsoft - should Iwata buy out Bill?
  • Competition: We've got ten E3 tickets to give away!
  • ... and Advanced Media Network respond to the recent downtime!

We're still finalising our link on the iTunes podcast directory, but in the meantime, you can download the MP3 via the link below! Thanks in advance for listening, and do leave your comments/suggestions in the linked forum thread below!

Revo-Europe Podcast - Edition #1

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