Podcast: N-Europe Show #20

Our podcast has been on an extended break over the last two months, but the recent Games Developer Conference was reason enough for us to grace the airwaves once more.Come on in we know you missed us...

N-Europe's very own dynamic duo, Conor Smyth and Franklin Hughes are once again back on the airways. Fresh and rested from their two month break and vocal chords are still in working order. We swear these two could talk for Ireland.

The N-Europe Show #20 - 12/03/07 - 65 min

After a somewhat lackluster episode #19, even we thought it was time for a break and so we did. Now two months later NES returns. What games have kept us busy with our extra podcastless time? And what did we think of this years GDC? Our dynamic duo return to discuss these issues and a mayve even few more.

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Contributors - Conor Smyth and Franklin Hughes. Editor - Nik Wouters.

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