Podcast: The N-Europe Show #13

Fierce_Link joins the podcast ranks this week, as we bring in the boards and talk some first-party Wii.

You'll notice a bigger presence of boards stuff on this week's show: this is something we're thinking about doing on a more regular basis, so let us know what you think about it on the usual address or in comments below. Hit the boards for the new, interesting, Hot Topic thread, and hear your response next week. We usually record on Saturdays, so you've a short window unfortunately, but there's not much we can do about that. Cheers!

The N-Europe Show #13 - 25/11/06 - 78 min

Forums wizard Fierce_Link joins the podcast duo, for a boards-paced edition of the show. We dissect your wishes for the Virtual Console, and suggest more of our own, for half of the podcast - in the other half we look forward to first-party Wii titles. Should Smash Bros. Brawl use the Wii's motion senstivity? Are we confident in Mario Galaxy? We grab some issues and shake them senseless.

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Contributors - Conor Smyth, Franklin Hughes and Fierce_Link. Editor - Nik Wouters.

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