Podcast: The N-Europe Show #16

You may have wondered why is the the 16th Edition of the N-Europe Show is so late, lets just say emails went missing and it was Christmas leading to a bit of confusion. But we got it done and things should get back on schedule.

Apologies, this should have been up about a week ago. Well you know how it is this time of year, and hard as it is to believe even the N-E staff must find time for a life outside the net.

The N-Europe Show #16 - 18/12/06 - 98 min

This episode stand in host Franklin and his new sidekick Sam give their opinions on the effectiveness of the wiimote strap in the mist of the media stories of broken TV's and black eyes, which games are we looking forward to playing over the coming year. Oh and Jack Thompson is at it again.

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Contributors - Franklin Hughes and Sam Gittens. Editor - Nik Wouters.

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