Pokédex 3D Pro release date confirmed

Posted 09 Aug 2012 at 08:43 by Joshua Phillips
You know what they say, Gotta Catch 'Em All! But just how were we to do that when the original Pokédex 3D for Nintendo 3DS only had Pokémon from Black and White? Well, it seems that Nintendo have rectified that devastating mistake (as well as throwing in a slew of extras) for the release of Pokédex 3D Pro.
3D Pro gives you information on all of the critters from Black and White 2 as well as Pokémon from all of the previous games.
3D Pro also boasts Pokémon quizzes and stats so you can be on your way to being the very best like no one ever was.
Pokédex 3D Pro is set to release in Europe on 8th November whilst Pokémon Black and White 2 are set to release in Europe on the 12th October.