Pokémon 2019 Press Conference Roundup

Posted 29 May 2019 at 00:35 by Sam C Gittins
We've just seen The Pokémon Company's 2019 Press Conference, which as you might expect contained several Pokémon related annoucements.
Being that it has been shown at "Early O'Clock" here in the UK and that we don't especially want to be posting lots of individual articles for lots of relatively small things, here's a handy roundup.
Fellow staff-member Glen O'Brien has kindly compiled the following list for you to digest at your leisure... (basically unedited, straight from our forum)
- Press Conference has heavily hinted at a Detective Pikachu game for the Switch. Not sure whether it's a port or a sequel.
- Pokémon Quest is getting an official release in China, making it the first official release for Pokémon done by a Chinese company. Will feature PVP and other social features.
- Pokémon Home is the new cloud-based service that aims to connect Pokémon Bank, Pokémon GO and the mainline Pokémon Switch games. Comes out in Early 2020.
- Pokémon Home is planned to allow trading with friends between the above applications.
- Some kind of enhancement to Pokémon GO to allow functionality with sleeping? Not sure yet.
- OK, no. It's a new mobile app called Pokémon Sleep. And this presentation is super hilarious. Comes out 2020.
- A new accessory to coincide with Pokémon Sleep called the Pokémon Go Plus + (Yes, it's really called that.) Has the usual GO functionality but also is compatible with Pokémon Sleep.
- A Snorlax event on Pokémon GO. According to forum member Ugh First Aid, that's a big deal.
- DeNA's new mobile game is called Pokémon Masters. Artwork shows a lot of trainers from the mainline series. Releases at the end of 2019 on android and iOS. Brief footage of the game was shown. More details in June. Game features Z-Moves in some way. and uses a graphical style similar to the 3DS Pokémon games. If I was a betting man, my money would be on the trainers being part of a Gacha system.
- The Pokémon Shirt line is coming to America and Europe.
If you're interested in seeing the presentation for yourself (presumably at a more sensible time) then you should be able to do so from the video below...
What did you think of the presentation? Was it worth staying up for? (if you also watched it live) Did this presentation give you a deeper insight into what to expect from the Pokémon brand going forward?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to make like that Snorlax in the presentation and sleep until someone wakes me up with a Pokéflute, or until the alarm clock goes off, whichever happens first.