Pokémon Comaster announced for smartphones

Posted 10 Mar 2016 at 10:02 by Ashley Jones
The Pokémon Company and HEROZ has announced that they will be releasing Pokémon Comaster on smartphones in Japan during the Spring.
The title is described as a strategy board game for your phone where you collect virtual Pokémon figures (an example can be seen to the right) that all have their own unique abilities. You must then create a team to battle against others online.
HEROZ has developed the AI for a number of board game titles such as Chess and Backgammon in the past, so it seems The Pokémon Company is working with them to provide an enjoyable strategic game.
Pokémon Comaster will be free-to-play with in app purchases when it is released in Japan in the coming months. It has not been confirmed for any regions outside of Japan at present, but we'll keep you informed.
Please note that it appears that this game is a separate release from The Pokémon Company themselves and is not part of Nintendo's new mobile game range.