Pokémon Direct 05.06.2019 Roundup

Posted 05 Jun 2019 at 12:22 by Sam C Gittins
We've just seen the Pokémon Direct 05.06.2019 covering new details for Pokémon Sword & Shield on the Nintendo Switch.
Perhaps the most important piece of information is that both versions of the game are coming out on November 15th 2019 and there will be a dual-pack available containing both games.
The press release hasn't been sent out yet so check out the information we've pieced together below...
- Open-World area
- Free Camera control
- Dynamax - Make Pokémon go larger, increases size and power can be used once per battle
- Max Raid Battle - Team up against a wild Dynamax Pokémon, only one player can Dynamax
- Weather conditions affect which Pokémon and Max Raid battles will occur
- Can team up either locally or online
New Characters
- Champion Leon - most prominent trailer in all of the Galar region
- Rival Hop - dreams of being a champion like his brother
- Proffessor Magnolia
- Sonia is the Grandaughter of the professor and her assistant
- Gym Leader Milo - uses grass type Pokémon
- Gyms are in specific locations to allow for Dynamaxing
- Pokémon Stadium-like atmosphere
New Pokémon
- Corviknight - a Flying type Pokémon that can transport players around the region
- Drednaw - is the bite Pokémon which is hard to tame and vicious
- Gossifleur - a flowery Pokémon which is said to have healing properties
- Wooloo
- Zacian & Zamazenta - the two main Legendary Pokémon
Those are the main pieces of information for now, we'll be sure to update this article with the Press Release once Nintendo has sent it out after the Pokémon Direct has finished airing in all planned time zones.
Here's the video of the entire presentation in case you hasn't seen it yet or just wanted to watch it again...
What did you think of the presentation? Will you be picking up either Pokémon Sword or Shield on launch day? Or are you still undecided?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.