Pokémon Direct to be shown on Wednesday 5th June

Posted 27 May 2019 at 13:06 by Sam C Gittins
A wild Pokémon Direct appeared! It will be shown on Wednesday 5th of June at 2pm GMT / 3pm CET and will seemingly provide more details on the upcoming Pokémon Sword & Shield titles for the Switch.
Check below for the details...
Tune in on 05/06 at 14:00 (UK time) for roughly 15 minutes of new information on #PokemonSwordShield for #NintendoSwitch in a livestreamed #PokemonDirect presentation.
What are you hoping to see from the latest Pokémon games? Do you think that there will be a radical change from the long-established formula? Or will we be seeing some slight tweaks with a bit of HD polish here and there with perhaps a few smaller surprises?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.