Pokémon Go coming to Apple Watch, Pokémon Go Plus shipping this month

Shigeru Miyamoto wasn't the only one that joint Apple on stage to make an announcement today, Niantic Labs' CEO John Hanke did the same.

Pokémon Go has been a huge success so far, with over 500 million downloads and 4.6 billion kilometers walked.  Now it is coming to the Apple Watch as a companion app.

The app will show you how far you need to walk in order to hatch an egg and your walk will be counted as a workout.  While walking you'll also receive notifications of what Pokémon, Pokéstops and gyms are nearby.  The demo even featured a Pikachu (obviously) hatching on stage!

Mr Hanke also confirmed that the delayed Pokémon Go Plus that also alerts you to nearby Pokémon, albeit in a more low-tech way, will finally begin shipping later this month.

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