Pokémon Scarlet and Violet to launch later this year on Nintendo Switch

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet now have a worldwide release date of November 18, 2022.

Check below for the press release...

Cover Art Reveal

The new Legendary Pokémon appearing in these titles, Koraidon and Miraidon, are on each cover of the retail version of the game, and the title logos are embellished with foil stamp-like designs that use these Legendary Pokémon as motifs. The packages of these games have a similar look to the covers of old books and evoke the feeling that a new story lies ahead.


Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet are the first open-world RPGs in the Pokémon series. Along with series staples, such as trading and battling Pokémon, players will be able to explore the various locations of the region in these games with up to four players.

New Characters

Professor Sada and Professor Turo

For the first time, one of two different professors will appear in the game depending on which version players choose. In Pokémon Scarlet, players will meet Professor Sada, and in Pokémon Violet, players will meet Professor Turo. Each professor is carrying out research into lore passed down in the region.


Nemona has a sunny, energetic disposition and is passionate about Pokémon battles. She’s an experienced Pokémon Trainer and serves as a friend and reliable guide for players on their adventures.

On their journey, players will encounter many never-before-seen Pokémon, and among them are the following three, which Nemona uses on her team.

New Details about First Partner Pokémon

New insights on Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly—the three Pokémon from which players will choose their first partner Pokémon—have been revealed.


Category: Grass Cat Pokémon
Type: Grass
Height: 1’4″
Weight: 9 lbs.
Ability: Overgrow

Capricious and attention seeking, it may sulk if it sees its Trainer giving attention to a Pokémon other than itself.

When Sprigatito kneads and rubs with its forepaws, a sweet aroma is released that can mesmerize those around it. This aroma has therapeutic qualities and makes opponents lose their will to battle. The composition of its fluffy fur is similar to plants, letting it create energy by absorbing sunlight. It adds moisture to its fur by grooming itself, which aids its ability to photosynthesize.


Category: Fire Croc Pokémon
Type: Fire
Height: 1’4″
Weight: 21.6 lbs.
Ability: Blaze

Fuecoco is laid-back and does things at its own pace. It loves to eat, and it will sprint toward any food it finds with a glint in its eye.

External heat is absorbed by the square scales on Fuecoco’s stomach and back, then converted into fire energy. These scales are always warm, and at times they can also grow very hot. Flickering atop Fuecoco’s head is fire energy that is leaking out from inside the Pokémon’s body. When Fuecoco gets excited, its head spouts more flames.


Category: Duckling Pokémon
Type: Water
Height: 1’8″
Weight: 13.4 lbs.
Ability: Torrent

This serious-mannered Pokémon will follow in its Trainer’s wake. Quaxly is tidy, and it especially dislikes getting its head dirty.

Its body is always glossy because the gel secreted by its feathers repels water and grime. The coif on its head is slicked back using a rich, moist cream, and it becomes unkempt when dry. It has strong legs and can swim without difficulty even in places with strong currents. In battle, it kicks its opponents swiftly and repeatedly.

And here is the trailer...

Will you be buying either version of the latest Pokémon games? Have you played a game in the series before? Will you be "Catching 'em All" over again?

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