Pokémon Typing Adventure and eShop apps confirmed for Europe

Posted 22 Jun 2012 at 12:41 by Aaron Clegg
A plethora of new Pokémon announcements were provided in this morning's Nintendo Direct. First up, re-confirmation that Pokémon Black & White 2 will release in Europe on Nintendo DS this autumn, but no specifc date was announced.
To coincide with it, Pokémon Dream Radar will release on the 3DS eShop. Dream Radar is an AR game that uses the 3DS' camera in a similar way to Face Raiders to let you catch Pokémon, and then transfer them to your Black 2 or White 2 file. Not only that, there will be new legendary Pokémon that will initially only be able to be captured using the Dream Radar.
Also to be released is the Pokédex 3D Pro. The app, which will be available on the eShop, is a touched-up version of the free 3D Pokédex that was made available last year, and will feature every single Pokémon yet.
Yet the most surprising announcement was the localisation of a typing-sim for Nintendo DS. Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure will come bundled with a wireless keyboard. It is a bluetooth keyboard, so it will be compatible with any other bluetooth device that can use a keyboard. In the game, you must traverse through various stages and capture 'mon by quickly typing their name.
Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure is due out in September.