Possible Wii U box art unearthed

Posted 07 Aug 2012 at 20:37 by Joshua Phillips
Listings for Ubisoft's Marvel Avengers Battle for Earth and Assassin's Creed III have emerged on Amazon and with them comes some Wii U box art which could quite possibly be the final design.
The covers look similar to Gamecube boxes, with the centered logo at the top nestled within a curved border.
What may come as a shock is that the boxes follow a blue, white and yellow colour scheme. The design is already quite striking but the actual boxes themselves are also rumoured to be completely light blue which may not be a great contrast with the darker, more adult orientated games.
For now though, don't get too excited or disappointed as these are still labelled as merely 'possible' covers because for all we know, these could just be temporary mock-ups on Amazon's behalf.