Pre-E3: Miyamoto Stays With Nintendo

Miyamoto will not resign at E3!

Nintendo have moved quickly to dispel any and all rumours surrounding the future of pint-sized creator/genius, Shigeru Miyamoto.

Various errant rumours have been flying around in the build-up to E3, apparently fuelled by speculation from sources on the ground in LA. These rumours held it that our favourite Mario Mogul would be quitting Nintendo by announcing his retirement at the Nintendo press conference.

Nintendo of Europe have, however, scotched all such rumours calling them "absolute nonsense". Is there any more direct way of putting it?

No-one seems to have an accurate pin-point on exactly who started these rumours, but with a rumour as potentially disastrous as this one, you can probably bet money that it's a competitor running scared of what will most likely be a fantastic E3 for Nintendo!

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