Professor Layton and the New World of Steam Trailer

Posted 30 Nov 2023 at 12:23 by Joshua Phillips
We have both good news and bad news for Professor Layton fans! The good news is that a new trailer has dropped for the upcoming Nintendo Switch title Professor Layton and the New World of Steam… the bad news is, it has a release date of 2025!
While it may be a long way away, it will no doubt be worth the wait as it’s a direct sequel to 2008’s Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, taking place one year after the events of that game.
From a series with over 18 million units sold worldwide.
Solve epic riddles as you progress through the story of this puzzle/fantasy adventure.
The newest entry in the Layton series.
Professor Layton and Luke face new puzzles in a fresh setting.