Pyra and Mythra amiibo Revealed

Posted 20 Apr 2023 at 12:27 by Joshua Phillips
Is it me or are amiibo taking even longer to release these days? That, or it simply feels like an age since the release of the Smash Bros. DLC for Pyra and Mythra. After all, it was in March 2021, over two years ago!
Well, the wait is finally over, and while the Pyra and Mythra Smash Bros. DLC might feel like somewhat of a distant memory, the timing is impeccable as these Smash amiibo release on July 21st!
Okay, the timing still isn’t that impressive, but it does almost, kind of, slightly, line up with the release of the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 DLC, Future Redeemed, that arrives later this month.
Agonising wait aside, these amiibo do everything you would expect from the Smash line and more, namely, they can be used as an amiibo fighter, that you can train in battle. As well as the usual Smash affair though, they offer more functionality in the aforementioned Xenoblade Chronicles 3!
Each amiibo unlocks a unique Aegis Sword weapon skin that characters using the Swordfighter class can wield in the latest Xenoblade title.
Just like a parent can’t choose a favourite offspring, you too will not choose a favourite out of this pair, whether you like it or not, as they will be available only as a double pack.
Will you be picking up these latest additions to the Smash Bros. series this July?