Rally Rock' N Racing power-slides onto Switch

Posted 17 May 2019 at 12:42 by Sam C Gittins
With the ever-growing library on the Nintendo Switch, surely one area where there's a fair amount of choice has to be Racing games.
However it is always good to have a healthy selection of titles to choose from, so here's the latest racer on offer from EnjoyUp Games & Super Power Up.
Check below for the details and the first screenshots of the game...
EnjoyUp Games & Super Power Up announces Rally Rock´N Racing on Nintendo Switch.
Get ready to skid around at full speed with your family and friends!
In Rally Rock' N Racing, you’ll enjoy a wide variety of natural environments, such as deserts, snow-covered mountains, forests... where you can show your skill at the wheel, competing against everyone to become the fastest.
The game has several modes, such as Championship, Time Trial, Arcade and 4-player multiplayer.
Online leader board where you can compare your best times with those of your friends and players from around the world.
- Wide variety of tracks.
- Multi-player with 4 players.
- Realistic driving physics.
- Lots of Rock 'N Roll music.
Does this look like your type of Racing game? While it's not quite the same as Sega Rally, surely it's good to have a modern alternative which seems to be putting in a decent degree of effort? Or maybe Switch owners are soon to be burnt-out on racing games altogether?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.