Rayman creator joins protest against the delay of Rayman Legends

Posted 12 Feb 2013 at 16:17 by Joshua Phillips
Ubisoft controversially delayed Rayman Legends last week, a finished game that was set to release on the Wii U in mere weeks.
Since then, furious fans have been setting up petitions all over the internet in the hope that Ubisoft will change their minds, but now things have been taken to the next level.
Rayman crator, Michel Ancel, along with members of the Rayman Legends development team, have been seen in a series of photos protesting the game's delay.
Ancel and the Legends team were seen holding up a banner that said "Release Rayman. Support Ubisoft Montpelier."
Last week, an ex-developer spoke out about the anger within the development team, especially as they were working really hard to get the game ready for it's February release.
Ubisoft have not responded to this protest, but did respond to fans outrage earlier in the week by promising another demo of the game for Wii U owners.