Rayman Legends now set for August release

Posted 25 Apr 2013 at 13:24 by Joshua Phillips
Rayman Legends, which has suffered various delays since its estimated Wii U launch day release, now has an official launch date. Whilst initially given a September launch window, it's now confirmed to release on August 30th.
The game is well known for the controversy caused when it was delayed so that it could also see a release on 360 and PS3. It isn't all bad news though, the wait will hopefully be worth it as an additional 30 levels will be added to the final game.
Not only that, but Wii U gamers can now enjoy the Legends Challenges App which is now available for free from the Nintendo eShop.
The new August release will hopefully bring a sigh of relief for Rayman fans, some of which were worried the delay would affect sales of the title being so close to the Wii U release of Wind Waker and Other Formats release of GTA.
Will you be getting Rayman Legends on launch?