Rhythm Heaven Megamix Available Now in US, October in Europe,Trailer Inside

Posted 16 Jun 2016 at 06:08 by Joshua Phillips
From the makers of WarioWare comes the fantastic Rhythm Heaven series. Starting off life as Japan exclusive GBA title Rhythm Tengoku but going worldwide with the DS iteration, Rhythm Heaven is now as well loved as the series it was born from.
In this latest entry for 3DS, a bunch of the most classic rhythm tapping minigames from previous entries are re-imagined and joined by a flurry of new ones, too!
Most shockingly, completely out of the blue, Rhythm Heaven Megamix appeared on the US eShop earlier today without warning. That’s right, if you’re in the US, Rhythm Heaven Megamix is available to download right now.
Nintendo have confirmed that Rhythm Heaven Megamix will remain on the eShop only, and will not be getting a retail release in the US.
Update: Nintendo announced earlier today that it will also be heading to Europe on October 21st! Unlike the US, we'll be recieving both an eShop and physical release!