Rumour: $100 GBA Micro

A price estimate in a popular tech magazine has pegged the price of the shiny new ultra-portable to be right around $100.

A strong rumour on the upcoming GBA Micro pricepoint that has recently found its way into headlines places the unit at a premium of $100. This $100 tag stems from an estimate made in the magazine Popular Science, a publication that indeed carries a fairly solid reputation.

It should be pointed out immediately however that the price is in no way official, and in fact itself was based on educated guesswork made by writers for Popular Science. However, the magazine usually knows what it is about which proves a bit worrisome for the folks who expected to see the Micro priced in the current GBA SP range of $70-80. Some popular (hahah) speculation around internet messageboards have placed hopes that the pricepoint in fact reflects a Micro + Play Yan (multimedia adaptor) bundle, a package which has indeed been under consideration at Nintendo of America.

Again, the $100 price estimate is as of now pure speculation on the part of publication Popular Science. Stay tuned to C-E for official word on the Micro's market entry price...and keep your fingers crossed.

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