Rumour: Boom/Megaton

A rumour is spreading all over the internet about details of the Nintendo Boom/Megaton announcement...

It goes something like this... Apparently Nintendo are set to file a law suit against Sony. As you may know, The Playstation started out life as the SNES CD, but after Nintendo announced a deal with Phillips, it all broke down. Not wanting to waste all the money and effort, Sony released the console as a stand alone machine, the Playstation.

Rumours say that Nintendo think they have a claim to the Playstation brand and all the money Sony have made from it, because it was Sony's responsibility to produce the SNES CD, which they didn't (for obvious reasons).

If this is true, it clearly means big news for Nintendo and Sony. Of course, it probably isn't true. We can't stress enough how little evidence there is to back up the rumour. So don't get your hopes up.

There is an image floating around that we will link to below, not hosting it on Cube Europe itself obviously (yes, we are scared of Nintendo).

Megaton Image

Personally, I find this very hard to believe. After Sega dropping out of the hardware market, Microsoft entering it, and buying Rare, nothing can be dismissed. This is even more out there than all of those put together, however, and not likely to be true at all.

The image itself, nice image, and when the same technique was used on the mosaic teaser Sega released before announcing Sonic, it was true. Thing is, even if that is the real original image, how exactly does it support the rumour? All it hints at is Mario, Sonic and Mega Man all on the same console, all high quality games, which we already know to be true.

Well, I guess we will all find out about the announcement when the time comes. Until then, have fun speculating.

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