Rumour: Chinatown Wars Edging 600k

Posted 29 Jun 2009 at 07:45 by Aaron Clegg
Unofficial sales figures report Grand Theft Auto on DS to still be chugging along...
Despite very high critical success, many were left surprisingly underwhelmed at Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars' inital commercial performance when it released on DS back in March. Rockstar themselves announced last week that the game would see a port heading to Sony's PSP. However, it may not all be doom and gloom for the franchise on Nintendo's system.
Unconfirmed stats from VG Chartz place the game at a mark close to the 600,000 range worldwide. As you can see below, the numbers suggest a not-totally inconsistent rate of sales in both Europe and North America.

While some may understandably sceptical about figures collected from VG Chartz, it at least gives some indication of how the title continues to perform at the tills.
Have you picked up Chinatown Wars on DS yet? Let us know your views below...