Rumour: DS Re-Design To Be Unveiled Soon?

More rumblings that a re-design for the DS is just around the corner, this time from online game retailer Lik-Sang...

Game retailer and importer Lik-Sang have written they've recieved word that an official Nintendo statement/unveiling of the DS re-design is imminent, and even give a date for when it could happen.

"Here at Lik Sang too we have received word a couple of days ago from a Japanese contact stating Nintendo will have a formal announcement of the re-design on Jan 16th."

Last week Famitsu reported a new version of a current piece of hardware would hit stores by early spring. Coming the same day as the GBA in-car adapter was unveiled, some assumed the Famitsu article referred to this, but we believe it's more likely to refer to something bigger. We'll be keeping our ears to the ground - especially next Monday.

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